Request Repeat Customer Feedback

To request repeat customer feedback from a customer select one of the following methods:

•	Manually Send New Feedback Request for Repeat Customer Feedback
•	Add Repeat Customers to Request Repeat Customer Feedback

Manually Send New Feedback Request for Repeat Customer Feedback

Manually send a new feedback request to an existing customer in Customer FeedbackCentre to capture repeat customer feedback. This method can be used at any time, even if the repeat customer feedback threshold has not been met.

To manually send a new feedback request to an existing customer follow these steps:

Log in to your Customer Feedback Centre account.

If you have multiple locations, select the location you would like to send a new feedback request for from the Business Dashboard.

In Customer Activity go to the customer you want to request repeat customer feedback from and click the customer's name or select Manage > View Profile.

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PRO TIP: Manage > Resend a Request sends a rating revision to a customer, not a new feedback request. Feedback received from a rating revision will overwrite existing feedback.

In Customer Profile click Send new feedback request to send a new feedback request to the customer. A new feedback entry will be created and any activity received will be recorded.

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Add Repeat Customers to Request Repeat Customer Feedback If the Repeat Customer Feedback Threshold has been met, repeat customers can be added to Customer Feedback Centre via customer list import or automation to allow a new feedback request to be sent and repeat customer feedback to be received.

To add repeat customers to request repeat customer feedback follow these steps:

Log in to your Customer Feedback Centre account. Add customers, including repeat customers, using your preferred method: Import a customer list for a single location Import a customer list for multiple locations

If a repeat customer does not meet the Repeat Customer Feedback Threshold they will be identified as a Duplicate customer and will not be imported at this time. All other customers and repeat customers will be imported.

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If a repeat customer is imported within the Repeat Customer Feedback Threshold they will be identified as a Duplicate Customer and not imported.

A new entry is created for each repeat customer in Customer Activity. If your location is set to send requests Automatically a new feedback request will be sent or you can send a request Manually.

New entries for repeat customers added via customer list import allow requests for repeat customer feedback.

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