Competitor Report

Competitor Report

Gain a competitive edge with our comprehensive Competitive Report. This powerful tool equips you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and outshine the competition. You'll discover what's holding you back and where you're winning in the competitive landscape.

Competitor Report provides a snapshot of the business' online reputation as compared to local competitors. The Google Reviews data used for this comparison includes:

  • Review volume
  • Average rating
  • Review recency, or how many days since the last new review

Generate a Competitor Report

Log in to your Customer Feedback Centre account.

If you have multiple locations, select the location you would like to upload a customer list for from the Business Dashboard.

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Upon your first visit to the Competitor Report screen you'll see a short description. To generate your report click Enable.

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The Competitor Report features and use

Once a report is generated the report can be downloaded as a PDF. The report will show:

Review Volume

How your business stacks up in terms of review volume can give you clear direction of the next steps that need to be taken. Leading your competitors in review quantity? Continue asking customers for reviews but make sure you take the time to listen and understand their needs. Work on increasing the average rating and keep the reviews coming!

Lagging behind competitors review totals? Consider ways to increase your review requests being sent and optimize for performance. For instance try sending requests with SMS rather than just email. Make sure to ask ALL customers to leave a review. Automate as much of the process as possible by leaning into an integration or use the Client Staff Form to get customers added the platform.

Relative Ratings

Ratings are important conversion opportunities for consumers looking at your business versus competitors. The key is to be in the ballpark. Data shows that a perfect 5.0 star rating isn't believable. And less than 4.0 won't even get you considered. Deliver a great customer experience and your star rating should be in the ideal range of 4.0-4.7 .

Don't forget to respond to negative reviews. By providing a reasonable and customer-focused response can sometimes lead to a customer changing their negative rating to positive.

Relative Recency

Recency is the number of days since your last review. If consumers see others generating new reviews, while your most recent review is from 3 years ago you will lose out on potential business. It's best to consistently ask customers to leave reviews over time and not all at once a couple times per year. Studies show that businesses without a review in the last 3 months are less likely to convert customers.

Edit Competitors

We supply local competitors by default but you can edit the competitors listed in the report. Simply click the Edit button. You can update existing competitors or add New Competitors.

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Choose New Competitor if you want to add a competitor to the list. Use the Google search bar to find the competitor you want and then click "Add Competitor."

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Click the 3 dots on the right to update or delete a competitor.

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We hope you find this report helpful in your online reputation management journey.

See also: Smart Insights

Performance Report