
Customer Feedback Centre uses the power of AI to help create thoughtful, personalised review responses with SmartReply. Save crafting a unique response every time. Stay in control with the ability to review and edit the response before submitting.

Log in to your Customer Feedback Centre account.

Select the desired location. If you only have one location you will automatically be on the Customer Activity screen.

Go to Customer Activity and find the review for which you’d like to respond.

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Pro tip: Filter reviews by “Not replied to”

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Click the “Manage” button on the right and select “Reply”

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Click the “Smart Reply” button to create the AI-generated response to the given review.

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**NB: **Make sure to read the response. You can edit the response in the text box. Click “Submit” to send the response.

Pro tip: Note: Authorise Google or Facebook in Customer Feedback Centre to respond to Google & Facebook reviews, along with 1st party reviews with SmartReply.

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