Review Mode

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Click on Request Mode

Click on Review Request Mode

Customer Feedback Centre offers three Request Modes to easily capture feedback and reviews from your customers. This guide explains the capabilities of each request mode so you can understand which one is right for your business.

Review Request Mode

Review Request ModeV2.png

Review Request Mode is a 2-step process to request:

  • Net Promoter Score
  • Reviews on 3rd-party sites (choose 2-4 sites)

2-Step Process for your Customer

Step 1: Send a feedback request to your customer via email or SMS/text message.

For email requests, customers select a Net Promoter Score rating in the email that links them to Step 2. For SMS/Text message requests, customers tap a URL that links them to Step 2 where they select a Net Promoter Score rating.

Step 2: After selecting an NPS rating, customers are served a page that includes links to selected 3rd-party review sites. As a result of the rating received, a positive or negative page version is served.

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