Five-Star Rating in Request Modes

Some people are more familiar with the 5-star rating system than the 0-10 Net Promoter Score. NPS offers a more comprehensive look at customer experience and a larger scale to pinpoint satisfaction. That being said, different businesses may have reasons they prefer the 5-star initial rating within Ultimate or Review Modes. Learn more about request modes here.

This guide will show you how to edit your rating settings between NPS and the 5-star rating.

  1. Log in to Customer Feedback Centre
  2. Choose a location, if you have more than one.
  3. Under Settings select Feedback Settings.
  4. Once within Rating Settings you can select NPS or Stars, and set the Positive Feedback Threshold. (Positive threshold is the rating at or above which the customer will be shown the positive landing page.)
Five-Star Rating in Request Modes 1
  1. Once you choose Stars and set your threshold, you should see the 5-star scale appear on the request mode’s Review Request screen.
Five-Star Rating in Request Modes 2a

(Note: The initial rating, NPS or Stars, only appears on Ultimate and Review request modes.

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