Ways to Add Customers

  1. Add a Single Customer
  2. Import Multiple Customers from List
  3. Delete a Customer

Log in to Customer Feedback Centre

Add a Single Customer

Add a single customer to Customer Feedback Centre. After logging in to your account, click + Add Customer in Customer Activity. Required fields include:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email or Mobile Phone
Add single customer.png

Fields marked with * are required fields

It's our suggestion DO NOT TICK 'send feedback request immediately' unless you know a customer is unhappy, it's best to add customers to the queueing system. If you have an unhappy customer, it is a good rule to send their request out immediately.

Please note: If you only collate email address then please leave the mobile phone field empty

If you only collate mobile numbers then please leave email address field empty

Add single customer2.png


Do you address your customers as Mr & Mrs Surname?

If you address your Customers as, for example Mr & Mrs Surname, please remember this is NOT how to add them into the Customer Feedback Centre:

Adding customer incorrect way

This is the correct way of adding Mr & Mrs Surname, please remember the full stop (.) in the Last Name field:

Adding customer correct way2.png

If you are unsure, here is a short video explaining:

Import Multiple Customers from List for Single Location

To import multiple customers for a single location, import a customer list. To add new customers, import an updated list as needed. Customer Feedback Centre will check for duplicate email addresses on import and only new email addresses will be imported. Required fields include:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email or Mobile Phone

File format required csv, .xls or .xlsx files)

Click Add Customer

Add single customer.png

Click Import Customer

Import multiple customers.png

Map your spreadsheet headings with the Mapped Fields

Import multiple customers3.png

Delete a Customer

Log in to your Customer Feedback Centre account.

If you have multiple locations, choose the location you would like to delete a customer for from the Business Dashboard. Search, scroll, filter or page entries to find the customer you want to delete. Click the checkbox next to the customer's name to activate the Delete button. Click Delete.

Deleting a customer.png

Please enter a valid email address.